Referenser till Susanne Bejerots artikel om ibogain
- www.can.se
- Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering (SBU). Behandling av alkohol och narkotikaproblem. Stockholm, 2001.
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- Hser YI, Hoffman V, Grella CE, Anglin MD. A 33-year follow-up of narcotics addicts. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001;58(5):503-8.
- Marsch LA. The efficacy of methadone maintenance interventions in reducing illicit opiate use, HIV risk behavior and criminality: a meta-analysis. Addiction. 1998;93(4):515-32.
- Goldstein A, Herrera J. Heroin addicts and methadone treatment in Albuquerque: a 22-year follow-up. Drug Alcohol Depend. 1995;40(2):139-50.
- Werneke U, Turner T, Priebe S. Complementary medicines in psychiatry: Review of effectiveness and safety. Br J Psychiatry. 2006;188:109-21.
- Bastiaans E. Life after ibogaine. An exploratory study on the long-term effects of ibogaine treatment on drug addicts [Science internship report]: Vrije university Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine; 2004. Available from: http://www.ibogaine.org/ibogaine_udi_bastiaans.pdf
- Alper KR, Beal D, Kaplan SD. A contemporary history of ibogaine in the United States and Europe. In: Cordell GA, Alper KR, Glick SD, editors. The alkaloids: Ibogaine: Proceedings of the first international conference. Elsevier Science (USA). Vol. 56, kap 14, 2001. Avaible from: http://www.ibogaine.org/history.html
- Wei D, Maisonneuve IM, Kuehne ME, Glick SD. Acute iboga alkaloid effects on extracellular serotonin (5-HT) levels in nucleus accumbens and striatum in rats. Brain Res. 1998;3:800(2):260-8.
- Glick SD, Maisonneuve IM. Development of novel medications for drug addiction. The legacy of an African shrub. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;909:88-103.
- Leal MB, Emanuelli T, Porciuncula LD, Souza DO, Elisabetsky E. Ibogaine alters synaptosomal and glial glutamate release and uptake. Neuroreport. 2001; 12:12(2):263-7.
- Mah SJ, Tang Y, Liauw PE, Nagel JE, Schneider AS. Ibogaine acts at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to inhibit catecholamine release. Brain Res. 1998;22:797(1):173-80.
- He DY, McGough NN, Ravindranathan A, Jeanblanc J, Logrip ML, Phamluong K, et al. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor mediates the desirable actions of the anti-addiction drug ibogaine against alcohol consumption. J Neurosci. 2005;19:25(3):619-28.
- Welsh JP, Yuen G, Placantonakis DG, Vu TQ, Haiss F, O'Hearn E, et al. Why do Purkinje cells die so easily after global brain ischemia? Aldolase C, EAAT4, and the cerebellar contribution to posthypoxic myoclonus. Adv Neurol. 2002;89:331-59.
- Maas U, Strubelt S. Fatalities after taking ibogaine in addiction treatment could be related to sudden cardiac death caused by autonomic dysfunction. Med Hypotheses. 2006 May 12.
- Alper KR, Lotsof HS, Frenken GM, Luciano DJ, Bastiaans J. Treatment of acute opioid withdrawal with ibogaine. Am J Addict. 1999;8(3):234-42.
- Sheppard SG. A preliminary investigation of ibogaine: case reports and recommendations for further study. J Subst Abuse Treat. 1994;11(4):379-85.
- Vastag B. Addiction treatment strives for legitimacy. JAMA. 2002;25:288(24):3096, 3099-101.
- Vastag B. Ibogaine therapy: A “vast uncontrolled experiment”. Science. 2005; 308:345-6.
- Mash DC, Kovera CA, Pablo J, Tyndale RF, Ervin FD, Williams IC, et al. Ibogaine: complex pharmacokinetics, concerns for safety, and preliminary efficacy measures. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000;914:394-401.
- Maisonneuve IM, Glick SD. Anti-addictive actions of an iboga alkaloid congener: a novel mechanism for a novel treatment. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003;75(3):607-18.
- Panchal V, Taraschenko OD, Maisonneuve IM, Glick SD. Attenuation of morphine withdrawal signs by intracerebral administration of 18-methoxycoronaridine. Eur J Pharmacol. 2005 Nov 21;525(1-3):98-104.
- Lotsof H, Wachtel B. Manual for Ibogaine Therapy: Screening, Safety, Monitoring, and Aftercare, First Revision. Available from: http://www.ibogaine.org/manual.html.

